Instructions for Authors

A Brief Guide for Authors

· The manuscript should be submitted through online(
· Ethical guideline: The authors must follow the international standards for publication (
· The submitted manuscript must be the original work of the author(s) about sensors and must not be published elsewhere.
· The submitted manuscript will be evaluated by editors and editors can request revisions, changes and supplements of the manuscript.
· The manuscript can be submitted at any time and the date of receipt of manuscript is the date of submission of manuscript.
· The manuscript should be written in English.
· The author’s name should be written in the first name followed by last name.
· All papers must be typewritten double-spaced using a 10 point font size on A4-sized paper using MS Word. All papers should be submitted using a template available at
· In the case of the manuscript for evaluation, any author’s information should be disclosed
to the reviewer. In the case of the manuscript for publication, identify the title, name of the author, institutional affiliation, information(e-mail, address, postal code, phone number, mobile phone number, Fax number) of corresponding author in sequence in the cover.
·  J. Industrial Inform. Tech. & Appl. is published 4 times a year(March, June, September, December) by the International Society for Information Technology and Application.
· The International Society for Information Technology and Application has the copyright of every submitted manuscript approved for publication in this journal.
· The manuscript should be prepared using the templates provided. English template(for submission, for publication).
· The manuscript should be prepared carefully according to the checklist for article (Download<-Click Here).
· Any author’s information should not be included in the manuscript for review.
· The response to referees should be uploaded on others among choices under submission category.
· Please confirm notices above before submitting the manuscript. It is impossible to amend the manuscript after submission.
· The first and corresponding authors should be the members of The International Society for Information Technology and Application.
· Publication charge for the accepted paper is free.
· Copyright Agreement (Download<-Click Here) should be submitted after the manuscript is accepted.
 If there is doubt of plagiarism and multiple publications, the research ethics committee should investigate ethical issues of published paper. The editor should retract unethical papers based on the investigation of research ethics committee.

How to Submit
· The manuscript should be written in English.
· The title, author(s), affiliations(s), abstract, table(s), figure(s), and references should be written in English.
· The author’s name should be written in the first name followed by the last name.
· The manuscript should be submitted through journal homepage.
· All papers must be typewritten double-spaced using a 10 point font size on A4-sized paper using MS Word. All papers should be submitted using a template available from journal homepage.
· For galley proof, identify the title, name of the author, institution affiliation and information (e-mail, address, postal code, phone number, mobile phone number, Fax etc.) of corresponding author in the cover letter.

Check list for Submission
1. online Submission 
· title
· Abstract (less than 300 words)
· keywords (up to 6)
· Name, affiliation, address, and contact information of authors
· References in the main text (should be provided by copy and paste during online submission).
· Upload of files (abstract, cove letter, manuscript, and supplementary materials)
· The research area of article
· Suggestion of editors and reviewers

2. Files for Submission
· Abstract file (in MS-word format)
· Cover letter (in MS-word format)
· Editable manuscript (in MS-word format)
· Supplementary materials (optional)
· The image files of figures
· Copyright agreement

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