JIITA, vol. 2, no. 1, pp.7-10, Mar, 2018
DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2018.2.1.7
A Mobile Agent Architecture for WSN Nodes with REST Advantages
Yuechun Wang 1), Ka Lok Man 2,*)
1) Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, XJTLU, Suzhou, China
2) Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, XJTLU, Suzhou, China; Baltic Institute of Advanced Technologies, Lithuania
Abstract: This paper presents a mobile agent architecture for Wireless Sensor Network nodes which adheres to Constrained Application Protocol. Considering popularity and universality of an agent system, we propose an agent architecture adhered to existing protocol instead of creating new agent architecture and command system. Agent performance will be simulated on COOJA simulator. Target operating hardware platform of the whole system is MicroPnP developed by VersaSense.
Keyword: Mobile agent; Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP); COOJA; WSN