JIITA, vol. 2, no. 1, pp11-16, Mar, 2018
DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2018.2.1.11
Cognitive Game Theory Models for Cyber Security
Sankardas Roy, Yan Wu
CS Department, BGSU, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
Abstract: Game theory is an attractive framework to model the conflicting interests of the cyber-attacker and defender, and researchers have used game models to determine an optimal defense strategy. The current model assumes that the players are rational, and based on that assumption it determines the equilibrium payoff of the players. However, in reality the attacker might have limited rationality, and the defender could reap a better payoff from the game if she can learn the attacker’s intent. There comes the role of a cognitive model through which the defender can learn the attacker’s intent from the attacker’s prior actions, which can lead to a higher payoff for the defender. In this paper, we explore the existing cognitive models from the field of psychology, and investigate how the defender can leverage them to better protect the cyber space.
Keyword: game theory; cognitive models; cyber security