JIITA, vol. 2, no. 1, pp17-29, Mar, 2018
DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2018.2.1.17
Future Internet: A Survey on Software Defined Networking
Emilia Rosa Jimson, Kashif Nisar*, Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi
Faculty of Computing and Informatics University Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia
Abstract: The Software Defined Networking (SDN) is deliberated simplifying networks management and enabling Research & Development (R&D) innovations based on the decomposition of the control and data planes. SDN has kept a lot of consideration in very recent years, because it addresses the shortage of programmability in current network management designs and enables easier and faster network revolutionThe main difference between SDN and Traditional Networking is SDN removes the decision-making part from the routers and it provides logically a centralized Control-Plane that creates a network view for the control and management applications. The SDN divides the network up in three planes: The Application-Plane, The Control-Plane and The Data-Plane Layers. Through the establishment of SDN many new network capabilities and services are enabled, such as Traffic Engineering, Network Virtualization and Automation and Orchestration for Cloud Applications. In this paper, I would like to make a comparison between SDN and traditional networking. The architecture of SDN will be explained based on the three layers: Application, Control-Plane and Data-Plane Layers. Besides that, the Controller, the OpenFlow Protocol, the SDN Security Threats and Corresponding Countermeasures will be also be discussed in this paper. In addition to that, I will also discuss the benefits, limitations and SDN Application.
Keyword: Software Defined Networking, OpenFlow, Controller, Control-Plane,