Wireless Communication Module-based User Identification Technique

JIITA, vol. 2, no. 1, pp30-33, Mar, 2018

DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2018.2.1.30

Wireless Communication Module-based User Identification Technique

Yong Deok Ahn, Jung-Woo Chang, Sung In Cho, and Suk-Ju Kang*
Department of Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a user identification scheme based on wireless communication. To accomplish this, the access point is implemented using a conventional low-complexity microprocessor-based general-purpose board. Then, a packet signal extraction module is developed to collect the approved media access control (MAC) address for the WIFI signal collection to identify the user. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to collect MAC addresses for various devices.

Keyword: User identification, wireless communication, signal extraction


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