Highly Sensitive DNA-Based Nanowire Biosensor for the Detection of Streptavidin

JIITA, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.58-61, Jun, 2018

DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2018.2.2.58

Highly Sensitive DNA-Based Nanowire Biosensor for the Detection of Streptavidin

Hyung Jin Kim
Convergence Medical Device Research Center, Gumi Electronics and Information Technology Research Institute, Gumi, Korea

Abstract: We describe a novel application for highly sensitive nano-biosensor based on DNA-templated gold nanowires (AuNWs) as the conducting channel to detect biotin-streptavidin binding. We confirmed that the nanodevice can be operated the highly sensitive nano-biosensor extending below the picomolar concentration regime after binding with streptavidin.

Keyword: DNA; AuNWs; Nanodevice; NanoBiosenso

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