A Study on the Text Legibility of Large LED Display

JIITA, vol. 2, no. 3, pp.124-135, Sep, 2018

DOI: soon

A Study on the Text Legibility of Large LED Display

Siliang Yi 1), Ya-Chi Huang 2), Chih-Fu Wu 2,*)
1) The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Xiamen, China
2) The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Abstract: This study aims to explore into the legibility of text information on large LED display as the effective segment information, quick search and correct reading performance. This research firstly
discussed factors relative to the legibility of LED display, and defined three variables for the experiment, namely color combination of figure/background, tracking and leading. This experiment was carried out respectively at the distance of 44 meters and 28 meters. The best combination of legibility for color combination of figure/background is yellow/blue, amber/amber, and yellow/yellow. Tracking and leading show significant difference at 28 meter, the legibility of leading 150% is better than that of leading 120% and tracking fine-tuned to 100 is better than the tracking standard. Nonetheless, tracking at 44 meters does not show significance. The study concludes the design principles that meet the public visual perception, which results can be referred for the information on LED display design in extensive applications such as the train station, shops, airport, or roads.

Keyword: LED, color combination of figure/background, tracking, leading


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