JIITA, vol.3 no.4, pp.298-310, 2019
Software Defined Network and Comparison of the Throughput Performance with Traditional Network
Kashif Nisar 1,*), Emilia Rosa Jimson, Mohd. Hanafi bin Ahmad Hijazi 1), Shuaib K. Memon 2)
1) Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
2) Auckland Institute of Studies, New Zealand,
Abstract: Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new network design which brings certain advantageous to the network management compared to the Traditional Network. This research study implements best effort based traditional network. The ability of SDN to support better allocation of bandwidth makes it possible to apply the SDN concept in this research study in order to manage the usage of limited bandwidth in the network. Available network bandwidth must be managed efficiently to ensure a stable network throughput to be delivered to the end user. In SDN, the bandwidth can be managed by utilizing per-port output queues and bandwidth reservation according to the needs of the traffic. This research study assumes the traffics in the network are classified into Sensitive Traffics and Non-Sensitive Traffics. The purpose of this research study is to propose a new model. The model implemented the SDN concept to replace the Traditional Network concept in order to simplify the network bandwidth management while giving priority to the Sensitive Traffics to access the network throughput. The performance of the network throughput of the proposed model with the Traditional Network also has been compared. Preliminary results show the sensitive traffics successfully achieved a higher throughput compared with the non-sensitive traffic.
Keyword: SDN; Traditional Network; Per-port Output Queues, Bandwidth Reservation; Throughput; Sensitive Traffics; Non-Sensitive Traffic
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