Information Flow in Networked System with Leaderless Structure

JIITA, vol.6 no.2, p.547-556, 2022, DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2021.6.2.574

Zhongnan Liu1) and Sanghyuk Lee* 1)

1) Department of Mechatronics and Robotics, School of Advanced Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China

Abstract: The research on the consensus protocol design has been carried out for the leaderless networked system in this paper. When a specific node detects new information from outside, protocol for the new action needs to be designed. In order to distinguish the groups of intermediate nodes, different people proposed metrics that are similar to the characteristics of each node. The target for specifying the characteristics of different agents, that is, their preferences for different leadership groups, they also introduced the concept of many weights. According to the feature functions, we can simulate the situation of a leaderless intelligent body system grouping different algorithms to achieve group consensus when receiving an input signal using several fixed nodes in the two-dimensional plane, and we verified through simulations that the algorithm performs well in the situation with different methods.

Keywords: consensus, multi agents, leadership and decision making


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