Design of face analysis system for online interactive remote class management service

JIITA, vol.7 no.4, p.823-827 2023, DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2023.7.4.839

Myoung-Kyu Sohn, Sang-Heon Lee, Hyunduk Kim

Abstract: Recently, various remote conferencing systems are coming out in the market due to situations such as COVID-19. As this situation continues for a long time, the need for online learning is emerging in the educational environment as well. The online class management system is similar in overall concept to the online conference system in terms of video conversation but requires several different functions. Functions such as face authentication to check attendance and anti-spoofing to distinguish fake faces through photo or video playback are essential. In addition, it can provide services such as feedback through analysis of student concentration during the class. In this paper, we define the major functions of the online class management system and design the entire system. In particular, we propose a design and implementation method for a face analysis system.

Keywords: face recognition, anti-spoofing, online attendance system


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