Radar Signal Processing Scheme for Human Identification

JIITA, vol.8 no.4 p.1007-1013 2024, DOI: 10.22664/ISITA.2024.8.4.1007

YoungSeok Jin, Ji-Eun Bae, Inoh Choi, Eugin Hyun
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST)

Abstract: This paper proposes a radar signal processing scheme to simultaneously detect gait-rate of moving human and vital signal of stationary human. To verify the algorithm, we implement as control software a data acquisition system (DAQ) and algorithm in a Personal Computer (PC) for real-time working. The results show the extracted breathing rate and gait-rate. Based on the feature vectors, we can classify each human with 82% accuracy.
Keywords: radar, CW radar, radar signal processing, human detection


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