[2022] Current Issues Vol6, No3

Electric kickboard safety regulation violation checking system using image classifier
SeongU Yun, Sehui YOO and Yoosoo Oh / p.579-585

Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Predicting the Support and Resistance Levels in Stock Market
T. Indhumathy, T. Velmurugan / p.586-599

Development of HW/SW Platform for Real-Time Tests of Radar Front-End Module for Radar Machine Learning
YoungSeok Jin , Eugin Hyun / p.600-609

Real-time Face Presentation Attack Detection with a Single RGB camera
Myoung-Kyu Sohn, Hyunduk Kim / p.610-616

Cardiovascular detection system development with Photoplethysmogram and Fast Fourier Transform
Kyungdon Choi, Yongho Kim, Byunghun Han, Kyungho Byoun, Heejung Kang, Youngsang Kun, Hyoungho Nam, Hojong Chang / p.617-623

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